Saturday, October 20, 2007

Labeled Parts Of The Viking Ship


Well I armed my list of my 19 favorites and business mistakes of history. Leave all important lessons, We really are in no particular order ...

The system needs more people communicating mistakes, sometimes we are tempted to sweep under the rug and people return and make a lack of tackling them.

1. People - Decca Records says NO to The Beatles: After doing the casting to two bands in 1962, the "visionary" Dick Rowe of Decca Records signed the group "Brian Poole and the Tremeloes" instead of The Beatles. He says the manager of The Beatles (Brian Epstein): "We do not like their sound, the guitars are out groups" Oops. Well ... Rowe kept his job, and was vindicated after signed to the Rolling Stones.
Lesson: Take a risk ... if the use that knowledge muddies the second time. Or as they say the countries ... not castrate the dog twice.

2. People - Warren Buffet is not accepted at Harvard Business School. The third richest man in the world (Slim, Gates, Buffet) was not accepted at HBS. Instead he ended up going to Columbia. Recently had to call someone to collect it when Buffett made a gift of $ 100 million to his alma mater.
Lesson: is a good idea to interview people, people that looks bad on paper, but are potential leaders and vice-versa.

3. People - Ross Perot leaves IBM. Ross Perot made his share of sales a year at IBM in the first two weeks. When you go and ask your boss if you pay more if you sell more - and your boss says no - pass the letter of resignation. Case EDS (Electronic Data Systems) and sold several billion years later to GM.
Lesson: If there is a human management consultant who reads this, this is the favorite argument to sell a variable compensation system to retain stars.

4. People - Tom Peters is fired from McKinsey & Co.Hablemos not know how to manage creative talent. The owner of the concept of "In Search of Excellence" was dismissed from the professional services firm in the world's most prestigious, and more importance given to knowledge. Tom Peters has since been a champion of excellence, intellectual rigor, marketing and many other topics.
Lesson: There creative talents in different organizations, but a creative in the status-quo is out of control.

5. People- Long-Term Capital Management: The famous hedge funds full of superstars, including 2 Nobel prize winners. What happens when one manages U.S. $ 4.8 in resources and in debt 25 to 1? Disaster ... that's what happened with Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM) that had developed a method of buying and selling financial instruments based on historical models. The model did not predict the Russian debt default in 1998 and it all went down, including $ 1.9 billion members. The book by Roger Lowenstein - When Genius Failed account this very well.
Lesson: Beware experts instead leverages the wisdom of the crowd (Surowiecki Thanks.)

6. Strategy - -making Chrysler "no omen." Daimler-Benz acquired for $ 38 billion for Chrysler. Jürgen Schrempp artist washes value in almost everything overnight. His most notable move is to ensure that all management of Chrysler is going after promising fair treatment, remove the power and handle everything from Germany. This really was a cultural shock between Germans and Americans.
Lesson: Click "human due diligence" in a transaction.
7. Strategy - Premier cigarettes. Celebrities do not throw cigarette smoke. RJ Reynolds created a cigarette that heats rather than catch and "smokers inhale flavored hot air. Three quarters of people in test groups say they do not need that product. The translation of a consumer test in Japan literally says that the cigarettes taste like shit "Total loss: $ 325 million - is a very good movie called Barbarians at the Gate that shows this case.
Lesson: Before a product you need a market.

8. Strategy - Buy Patagon Santander .... and returns. Very few know this story! Patagon was the company. Com show, a "broker" personal finance for Latinos online. The owners are selling it for Santander by a sum exceeding $ 100 billion over the boom. Below are the dot-com founders and the takeover by Santander about $ 6 million.
Lesson: not deviate from its core, least in the eyes of a "boom."

9. Strategy - Fox lets the license from Star Wars to George Lucas: When George Lucas convince 20th Century Fox to Star Wars, Fox thought it was a good deal: Lucas runs for only U.S. $ 150.000 and give the rights of following films and merchandising, Fox did not have a merchandising department and therefore did not blink. Having signed the contract with that clause is the equivalent of having given a check for $ 1 Lucas billion.
Lesson: Licensing is the business of the future! which has the rights of intellectual property to be exploited.

10. New Coke explodes! This is my favorite. It was a calculated risk. In the 80's, the cola market segmentation and the cola wars (all remember the Pepsi Challenge), the CEO Roberto Goizueta gives approval to amend the secret formula. In April 1985 New Coke comes out with disastrous results. What went wrong? "The taste tests do not measure the strength of the brand," said Ambar Rao - Professor of Marketing at Washington University. "In research was not included the fact that Coca Cola would supplant the original. One does not know the strength of a brand to which people have to imagine a future without it. "The project dies quickly and in just three months reintroduced Coca Cola Classic. Reaffirmed the equity of the brand and turned it into victory.
Lesson: If a big brand the smearing, there is much equity in order to bring it back, but we must do it quickly.

11. Strategy - IBM given a birthday gift to Bill Gates 1981 after 13 years of fighting with the Department of Justice on its monopoly in the market for mainframes, IBM embraces the Microsoft operating system, MS-DOS, but chooses not to acquire exclusive licensing rights. This lack of initiative and vision gives Microsoft the right to distribute its OS to competitors, leading to the emergence of Microsoft and IBM will cost millions.
Lesson: Do not say as NO!

12. Strategy - Apple will not license its system operativoApple proven that you can get people more creative and better product, but if the strategy is bad .... not the leader. In the 80's Apple was the leader of the PC industry. In the 90's was making losses. Apple was protectionist, no degree your operating system and put in a bubble as they say. IT managers will not be measured at Apple's closed circuit (the same applies today with itunes + ipod) and instead went for software available to hundreds of companies ... another gift to Microsoft.
Lesson: Driving closed circuit is difficult unless there is something truly differentiated.
13. Strategy - Xerox and PC: Many of these disasters occur when the anxiety of acting the part of companies is greater than its ability to predict the future. BUT ... Xerox saw the future and ignored him. His people in the design PARC graphical interface, the laser printer and PC. Networked computer invented !!!!! BUT ... had already invested $ 1 billion in a company called SDS and finally did was copying. Were focused on profits and make profits in day to day, to meet each quarter. BUT the creative process and research and development .... that does not operate on a quarterly basis. Finally, killed the investment and innovation did not capitalize. Lesson
. Sometimes you work so hard they do not have time to make money!

14. Technology - If you are hiring outsourcing, clean your computer Porn's new CEO hired an English bank to do all the HP IT outsourcing. He then inspects all HP computers with special software, including the CEO. Found alarming amounts of pornography and the CEO should resign.
15. Processes - China is the largest exporter of toys ..... Lead! After the great Chinese boom, everyone who made outplacement of its manufacturing plants learn a hard lesson. In the third world there is no such thing as a quality control process. The proof? Millions of toys painted with a painting with toxic lead levels. The collection of toys continues and is costing millions.
Lesson: If you think getting into the big leagues, make sure you have quality processes in place to not end up hanging herself (literally --- RIP the manager who committed suicide)

16. Technology - Airbus A380, all for a piece of really softwarePorque delayed Airbus A380?, This post describes , all for a piece of software. A team designed the 3-dimensional wiring and other equipment in 2 dimensions, then exchange Madrazos because the designs do not fit! A lesson for all micro-managers who want to have everything in Excel.
Lesson: Call your partner and ask ... that software will be used? But sometimes the superstars if ..... ehhhh ....

17. Strategy, Structure, Technology, Processes - Ola forget quality risk and the early 2000 the new company is formed Ola - Colombia Movil. Your CEO should be hired without mercy, to buy all types and technology is put into the task of growing regardless of whether they can provide quality service (risk and quality). Sell \u200b\u200bmore mobile phones that support network, of which the focal points serving and that people need. Even (true and have not tested), sold below market prices (It is true because in underdeveloped countries the worst case scenario is generally true). Users canceled for lack of service, plans full of lies and this leads to the company to deep red. Its CEO is fired and the company sold to the highest bidder.
Lesson: is not just to sell, trying to sell profitably and never forget if you are able to provide a service filled with quality after sales. Selling is easy ... sell it is what is difficult.

18. Strategy - Cementos Tequendama builds a cement plant in the middle of a war that has gone Suesca preciosSi, Cundinamarca, Colombia sure the plant has been idle Tequendama Cementos until recently. Mounted a huge investment amid a price war between Cementos Argos, Cemex and Cementos Andino. The plant is started when the load of cement worth about $ 30.000 pesos and ends when the package is worth about $ 6,000 dollars for the price war. Whoever made the financial model was safe with ulcer. Cementos Andino is finally bought by Argos to stop the war (who had been married for Andino) and idle hard floor a few years until prices return to more reasonable levels.
Lesson: in a price war ... ALL lose.

19. Projects - The Rocks do not manage risk, respond to incidentesAnte the construction boom in Cartagena, a spunky entrepreneur plans to build the tallest building in Colombia. Your project manager (obviously) does not make a risk management plan! (Read vs managing risks. responding to incidents). The most obvious risk on a coast (an external risk of a storm) is implemented and create an incident which doubles the tower. The risk had been identified to mitigate it - in this case by installing the "braces" or a diagonal braces. Stop the project, the tower dismantled and think to do.
Lesson: Managing risk is easier and less costly than reacting to incidents.

20. Strategy - ISAL The Colombian government sells energy prices are for one side (up). With the Colombian state and owns 75% of ISA, has raised its sale to address the national budget. The strategic asset of any nation today (energy) would be auctioned to the highest bidder ... y. .. then pay more for energy every day and would not control a scarce and necessary for growth. Building new cities, airports, etc ... is impossible without power. And the money from the sale? well ... I will leave that to the political blogs, but looming new cars, pay increases and new headquarters for the conference. And in a year is certainly not a penny.
Lesson: Save energy!

The system needs better collective memory so that history does not repeat!

What To Take For Burning In My Stomic


There is a plethora of companies selling products take years. Metal parts, fittings, wheels, nuts, oven, you imagine it, the more likely that someone makes it.

Companies the third world generally are industrial companies, industrial wave, which sell product. The third world is characterized not just because they have great service economies. The important thing is that you can make a transition, and that's where many companies are stranded in the Third World (to note the advice of competitiveness).

I give you an example. There is an industrial company X! This company sells wheels. Only sell, that is sold to a wholesaler and a retailer. Receives hundreds of calls daily with technical questions and service requests not addressed ... because the company's business is to sell product X and not sell service. Please keep this in mind, do not sell because there is no service know-how on how to do, not because they want.

The system needs more companies making the transition from product to service. If you sell product, no money to provide services related to the product as

1. Determine the requirements (assess what their needs are bearing a client).

2. Finance the purchase (give Visa credit card to buy or conference funded by a i).

3. Install the product (installation charge for services, ensuring higher quality - if you work in an industrial company many times someone has not said "it was installed is bad shit! ... so was damaged !!!").

4. Test, calibrate and validate the product (technical visits calibration or quality)
maintain and replace parts (provide maintenance to lubricate the wheel)

5. Replace materials (eg send lubricant, new nuts, a new wheel, but not a new support, etc ...)

6. Train staff to use the product (give training sessions on proper use.)

7. Update the software / hardware (depends on how the wheels have been sold, can be updated at a lower cost for new customer wins and wins ... provider).

EYE ... in a service economy is no charge for activities. The activities are broken down in the hours that it takes a person to make (eg total hours of installing a wheel). For those hours are charged a HPR (rate per hour) and then get the cost of service, for if there is doubt as service charge. I just put this sounds super simple, but industrial companies do not.

Let me give you an example: I recently accidentally broke my shower faucets. Looking in the directory, I realized that Grival, the same company that makes faucets, is a service unit. Call a few hours later came to my house a van (very elegant) I sold new faucet (at great cost), installed new plumbing, quality checked and solved my problem (in services is all about solving a problem with a solution.) Grival and fittings does not sell, sell "solutions of water flow to single without shower." It was the perfect solution, if I had not touched go buy the faucet and call my plumber "Hannibal" (breaking without reviewing the plans - one day I'll tell that story), and having a facility.

We will not discuss how to run a professional services company, for that there is a detailed post . But companies need to begin to capture the lost revenue to say NO to the services that could be providing and that are associated with industrial activity.

Best Gaming Motherbord


who work in marketing should learn from the hackers.

When a hacker wishes to enter a network or a computer, or server, or whatever, using two approaches (I'm over-simplifying, but follow me current) social engineering or brute force.

with social engineering the hacker investigates their victim. His behavior on the network, how they interact. I found the side, and attacked. For example, sending a bank mail on asking the key (yes, yes, there are people who fall into this yet) or trying to guess their passwords using known information (your birthday, anniversary or the birth of their children.)

with brute force, the hacker attacks against the system of algorithms and techniques rare-fetched, but often they work. The chances that the attack succeed are not many, but if he does, the damage is extensive.

Hackers prefer Social Engineering

This technique makes them think (that in itself makes it more attractive for this type of character) and allowed to repeat. If they do well, free will and free to re-enter the system. Brute Force exposes them more, and if things go wrong, it is easier to be tracked.

And here's something to learn.

Entrepreneurs Brute Force we love

Should we launch a product?

"hire more salespeople, more public, more events."

The market is more subtle. It's like a cat ... if you chase it with despair, will leave. But if you are patient and aware, comes closer to your feet and purr.

And that's the lesson Hackers give us.

Social Intelligence Vendor are merchants or market research (used, but they are not). Nor

brainstorms (or brainstorming) with super-creative people.

is learning to listen.

A "feel" our market. To do what the "Grandma's Corner" with his chocolate cake. Or the "Cupcake Madness."

bet that behind the ideas and new products coming out of these micro-corporations are not a marketing team to analyze the market variables.

bet it is someone who know their customers, their tastes and desires. Who feels. Who knows how to start a conversation with them.

These people are the real hackers Marketing.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Bionicle Jaller Building Instructions


commercial is the first accident where no one sees. Nothing overturned cars, jets of liquor or people bleeding. Fatal but imaginative campaign General Traffic Directorate (DGT) of Spain. Beware of distractions.

There are dozens of spots on traffic accidents, but perhaps none as subtle as the last of the campaign for DGT of Spain, where an individual with beau pint novel teaches us the dangers of the 'shut up I'm driving', 'what CD I put it? " or 'where I put my pack? ". In Spain, according to the DGT, 50% of accidents are caused by driver distraction. Only in the first half of this year, Spain accounted for less than 446 people from accidents linked to a driver who answered his cell phone while driving or one that did not stop the bride besuquear. Examples are many spots to hit. Perhaps over the years have become less effective because they do not need 30 seconds for commercial breaks to see people bleeding from their car collided iron. The news teaches us a free sight of blood and recklessness every morning. But maybe worth watching this campaign spot for the U.S. Slow Down.

In the same vein we have this from the DGT in France

could cite thousands of examples, unfortunately, all are equally boring. But there is one that is worth commenting. One so subtle, it elicits more laughter than awareness. Argentina creativity, always so funny, even to treat a subject as complicated as a campaign to use a seat belt.

I would ask what is the most monse spot to remember about car accidents? In the meantime I found the worst. I challenge you suggest a worse than this.

Why Are My 16 Month Dogs Nipples Getting Bigger


No funeral will be as long as the 11-S. All concrete and cement which is building the Freedom Tower megaproject, will not serve to fill the void left by the twin towers of the WTC. This spot tries to get everyone in the world answer a question where were you? Produced last year, it is worth remembering the day before the sixth anniversary of the tragedy.

Agency TBWA / Chiat / Day
Creative Director: Gerry Graf
Length: 60 "Where
was: In a hotel in Los Angeles when his wife called to tell him that a plane crashed into the Twin Towers.

This is another of the same crop of TBWA

This occurred in 2002 and was launched during the Super Bowl

This was perhaps the least successful of all taxes that have been done on the planet

I was in my house that morning, I wanted to go to classes in college, when I saw the news on television what was happening in New York, perhaps this is the story monse more has been written on the subject.

How To Wash A Yeast Infection

The root of a problem is linked mainly to its solution. Writing about the Pisco 7.9 - limited edition - would force us to fill all the characters (with spaces) to complete this text. And yet, we could not include the entire string of adjectives that were awarded the namesake liquor damn scale.
The problem - as noted Gustavo Rodriguez, creative director of Grapefruit - was not in substance but in form. Thank you with a bottle of liquor is part of our interpretation of the text of Carreño on the meaning of the word gratitude. But give a bottle of pisco with the name of the most tragic decimal says a lot about the moderation, or lack thereof, of the respected head of the Produce. Because the name overshadowed a positive attempt of the ministry and all the pisco: The first attempt at marketing to sell liquor outside the country flag.

For the first time they had agreed to a estretagia. For that reason, recovering the positive side of the issue of Pisco 7.9, we convened four renowned publishers, members of award-winning advertising agencies, to resolve the conflict without the use of mathematical fractions: How to say that Pisco is the birthplace of pisco ascribing this feature unique virtue of its flavor? Obviously, without being tragic. Provide: Pragma, McCann Erickson, BBDO Grapefruit and Garwich. Suck: Ricardo Chadwick, Ricardo Mares, Oscar Rodriguez and Gustavo Tamayo. Do not panic, the cowboy is not dead. Literally, as he deserves the pisco, walked into its own.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Confidentiality Clause In Cover Letter


Now many companies are very concerned about the customer, ie the quality of service as an added value or differential against competitors and this is well aware of FIFA so who cares about his guests take good care of each global competition.

Overall, the hospitality is: "The act, habit or quality to receive and welcome the foreigners or visitors in a cordial and generous."

In terms of marketing in particular, the hospitality is the act and the habit it takes a company to receive and invite those who could influence the future commercial success of the entity in question.

Therefore, it is a strategic marketing tool very powerful. For many companies, large and small, Hospitality is an integral part of your marketing mix and is one of the important elements of their sponsorship. As a result, the hospitality program has become a basic component of all FIFA competitions .

FIFA itself, with the collaboration of the local organizing committees, develops and manages its hospitality program to ensure consistent quality in all competitions, contests and events.

Why is it necessary to invest in hospitality?

Companies invest in entertainment because it helps them build, maintain and improve their corporate relationships, and relationships are the very motor of business.

Hospitality allowed to invite a select group of guests for a unique experience in a relaxed and friendly environment, away from the daily demands of the office.

The benefits are plentiful. An organization provides its guests with a memorable and enjoyable experience in order to maintain or improve its image, motivate or reward your staff or your customers, show their support groups community, introducing new products or services, build relationships and mutually beneficial business partnerships or simply establish a network of contacts.

Who are the guests?

Many different types of viewers can enjoy the hospitality services offered in various FIFA competitions :

* Guests FIFA and the local organizing committee of the FIFA competitions .

* Guests commercial affiliates FIFA according to their rights.

* general public and guests from other companies by purchasing hospitality packages.

What is included in hospitality packages?

1. In the hospitality program of commercial affiliates, guests enjoy the best seats the stadium, and receiving personalized and exclusive lavishly decorated private areas or in areas adjacent to the stadium.

commercial Each member can choose the type of reception they want to offer your guests, from a standing cocktail to the most luxurious and extensive gourmet buffet with seating at the table.

2. For all groups and their guests, whether business or individuals, the commercial hospitality program offers exclusive packages and default which typically include:

- Parking of vehicles
reserved - Accreditation of access to hospitality area
- Welcome drink
- Bar and complimentary refreshments before and after the game
- Hostess service
- Show
- TV live broadcast of the game
- Buffet with excellent wines and beverages
- Entry to the game with first-class seat reserved
- Refreshments at half time
souvenir gift - this event management site

Please be aware that in these commercial hospitality packages do not include advertising opportunities and media brand.

price hospitality packages varies depending on the competition of the FIFA of the country, the size of the reception room, the type and quantity of food and services including .

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The best way to embrace the world

Every four years, the world focuses its attention for a month in World Cup of FIFA. million people in over 200 countries together to consider the greatest show on earth.

FIFA , as having the rights of its flagship event and related trademarks, is responsible for the management and administration of this comprehensive marketing program that includes many other FIFA competitions addition to development initiatives.

The FIFA sponsorship offers solutions that go beyond traditional opportunities offered by other sports. In World Cup FIFA of , well as in other FIFA competitions , the sponsors are part of the activities surrounding the event and can use the marketing rights in line with its strategy direct marketing to provide the public with clear brand image.

An official partnership with FIFA involves a dual approach: the sponsors can promote their brand around the world and at the same time, focus on domestic markets.

Along with the official broadcasters that emit radio-television coverage of the event worldwide, sponsors and licensees are the pillars that support the assembly and promoting competition of FIFA. It is the only commercial entities which are allowed to claim for itself a direct association with FIFA and trademarks used in its products for promotions, advertising and marketing.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Sleep On Left Side And Have Left Kidney Pain Why?

747 Boeing 737 New design

After a long day

At the end of 31
in speed of rotation in

Aphrodite Acrostiv Poem

“the Million-dollar Screenwriting


This ad was interesting, innovative and above all very creative, which is the most important thing to any advertising that might attract the attention of viewers and differentiate our product the other, by something unusual.

I want to share this ad with you.

Pepsi - Pinball
Uploaded by Razorbuzz


The famous figure of the bottle it sells very well in this commercial.

CokeAd - 01
Uploaded by pooltables1

Leveraging mode TRANSFORMERS NIKE took this ingenious campaign for external ads.

Nike Ad - 04
Uploaded by pooltables1

Here we see the use of technology in advertisements.

Uploaded by ulkiora123

Friday, October 5, 2007

Sympathy Quotes Loss Mother


have Internet and is based on the "boom" marketer of the moment. Trade are suggestive that arrive by e-mail and invite users to forward them.
On the door of a typical English department leaves a man with dark glasses and look-fundamentalist Saudi Arabia. Gets into a Volkswagen Polo, drives a few blocks and stops outside a bar. Always sitting driving out a detonator, you miss a moment of solemnity and operated. Boom!: The car explodes ... But inside, the body is intact and no one notices out what happened. Then the QuickTime window goes black and reads: "Polo. Small but tough. " The video comes from a known mail is not spam, and the surprise is as legitimate causes that immediately makes you want to resend.

Worth a look. That is precisely what is Viral Marketing and I-Advertising, the grain marketer of the moment: "spread" with the information known and perpetuate the brand advertising almost spontaneously. The formula is so simple and effective: the interactive video or game (or something else witty) is sent by mail to a group of people who respond to the target to which the product is directed. The message is seen and, if done properly, it is forwarded to friends or at least discussed publicly.

In this case also, the British Volkswagen used a controversial second-bra, letting it be known that the videíto had been created in its advertising department but immediately disavowed by violent and wrong. And, to top it off, mysteriously leaked to the website where it spread like an epidemic. "There are several definitions and names for viral marketing. Also called 'publicity contagious' but we prefer to call it I-Advertising is broader and our market because of viral negative connotations. "

The "Viral Marketing" is allowing people to give away and use your product or service for free in order to multiply your marketing quickly over the Internet. The idea behind viral marketing is that you include your ad with something free that people give or use.

Below are the 10 viral marketing strategies for greater impact:

1. Allows people to play your articles on their web sites, newsletters, magazines or books online. Include your resource box and the option to reprint the article at the end of each article.

2. Allows people to use any of your products for free as a free bonus for products or services they sell. Include your ad on all your products for free.

3. Allows people to use your online discussion board for your own web site. Some people do not have one. Just include your banner ad at the top of the board.

4. It allows people to sign up for a free web site on your server. Since you're giving away the space, ask them to include your banner ad at the top of the site.

5. It allows people to add your link to your website directory for free. Just ask them to put a link back to your web site, promoting your book.

6. It enables people to provide your free online service for its website visitors or subscribers to an online magazine. These could be e-mail free e-mail consulting, search engine queries, etc.

7. It allows people to give away your software is free. Only includes advertising your business within the software program.

8. It allows people to give away your web design graphics, models, templates, etc. that are free. Just include your ad on them or ask people to put a link directly to your web site.

9. It allows people to place ads on your free book online, and in return, they give away the book to visitors of your website or online journal subscribers.

10. It allows people to give away your free book online visitors. Then, their visitors will also give away. This is just going to spread your advertising across the Internet.

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The 22 Immutable Laws of Love

Be amazed with the result

The aim of marketing is to meet the needs and likes the prospect of a product or service and conform to them. This technique is present in politics, in the shopping cart in the media and now also in your relationships.
To ease the task, we have adapted to the market in the couple's 22 fundamental laws of marketing, developed by Al Ries and Jack Trout (Ed. McGraw Hill). Take note because it works well serve this business and competitors you will encounter over the life of a product such as love, perish if you apply all your resources. In short, whether through advertising decide to take home a bottle of blue instead of pink Insurance is also useful if you apply its principles to your love life. Try it, see what happens!.

1. Act of leadership.
is better to be the first to be the best. Why all men remember their first girlfriend? Therefore, it was the first. The other may be better in many respects, but will ... the others. So, if you can not release the heart of your kid, do not despair and then reads the law number 2.

2. Law category. Search
something that you're the first. If the category of being the first girlfriend and is busy, do not fret. Find out where the land is still virgin. For example, he may not have ever lived with anyone, maybe the strategy is to become his first wife or perhaps have greater complicity with him ... in bed.

3. Law of perception.
you feel you're the best, the only one. There is no good or bad products, so there are perceptions about what is better or worse. If you see a positive, even your flaws become virtues. To do this, get good subliminal advertising, you feel you're a perfect woman can not be matched.

4. Law of concentration.
Think of something that just reminds you of you. Choose a word accomplice, a personal gesture, an affectionate nickname, a romantic song ... to remind you and the chemistry between you. When you see or hear, you light up the eyes unconsciously.

5. Law of exclusivity.
not spend efforts to compete like crazy. If your mother, your ex or a friend have taken over a word or image in your mind, do not try to appropriate the same. Find something that will uniquely identify you.

6. Law perspective.
Spread your arms, but do it slowly. Do not use all your forces in a first impression or you will blossom one day. Take time to see what the reactions that occur and acts taking them into account.

7. Law of the ladder.
Use your resources as your position. If now the crazy guy who has no more than an acquaintance, forget about acting as your soul mate or, worse, like a wolf, or will run. If it is between two good friends, begins to deploy your weapon of seduction.

8. Law of the opposite.
not copy other strategies, innovate. That your guy only likes lentils as does his mother, because they go home to eat them and visit from time to time. Banish that plate in your cookbook and try something that only you know him. And how!
9. Law of duality.
Watch carefully to competitors. As good marathon champion you are, keep your pace, but looking through the corner of his eye where you are and what your main adversary.

10. Resources Act.
Use your imagination to avoid routine. Besides having a good strategy, you need adequate resources to invest in this idea and keep the spark. So, you know, take imagination to avoid monotony.

11. Law of line extension.
Enamora also his family and friends. Once you're sure the relationship with him, he begins to introduce in other areas of your environment. Family and friends are the following markets to extend your brand value. Take your marketing plan by them, but remember that your main concern is him. Do not neglect.

12. Law of the mind.
not enough to be a facade. No matter how fashionable you are, you have to bring something more than a beautiful body. Believe some emotional dependency, engaging with their innermost desires. You know, today for you, tomorrow for me.

13. Law of sacrifice.
To achieve something, you have to give up something. Sometimes we throw ballast to keep the ship afloat. But before giving up something, think how much you can live without it. For example, Is there space in your closet for two? Do you mind getting up and another takes your bathrobe? Do not deprive yourself of important things for you.

14. Law of acceleration. Rate
if really worth. Before picking a running start and throw out all of the law after him, make sure it is more than a whim. Do not waste too much time yours (or yours) if all you want with that guy so attractive is to have a couple of passionate encounters.

15. Law sensational note. Watch
image you offer. Think of how people see you on all his friends. If you are always arguing or talk like a drill sergeant, they will believe you're a witch. Ultimately, if there are problems, others will justify saying you had a bad temper, no matter how cuddly you were with him in private.

16. Law of truth.
Do not play perfect. At first everything is wonderful, understanding, good words ... Do not miss these forms, but try to show you the way you are. So do not fool anyone and show your desire for a sincere relationship with your partner. All virtue.

17. Law singularity.
A good talk you avoid problems later. Many couples because they fall off and fall into the same problems everyday. Do not miss. It is essential that the two there is good communication and acabéis once and for all with what bothers you.

18. Attributes Act. Acknowledge your mistakes with humor. Make a mistake: negative point. We recognize, plus. You do with a certain grace, a virtue. If you show your flaws with humor, he would love to be with you, because they compensate for the failure with laughter.

19. Law Division.
Discover if you have paternal instincts. Over time, a category (you) want to be subdivided into other (children). Make sure he shares this idea and test its ability to deal with others. Give a plant and if cared for three months, buy a pet. If he survives, there may be possibilities!

20. Law of the unpredictable.
Be flexible to adapt to the changes. Over time, will leave the tube open toothpaste, wash basin full of hairs and dirty clothes behind the door ... Try, as far as nerves let you be malleable. You must go in line with changes relationship to be making demands.

21. Law of failure.
accept defeat as part of life. Your hobbies will also appear. When the leg goals, accept or eventually come to a major failure. So you can win back your partner, taking into account the errors that you should not commit. As the Emperor Julius Caesar said: "One learns more than defeat a victory." This should be your maximum.

22. Law of Success.
To stay as leader, do not sleep. Success often lead to arrogance and arrogance to failure. So do not sleep on their laurels after having passed the first test and think there is a long road ahead to keep your leadership position.

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Internet marketing originated in the early 1990s as simple web pages, text-only offering product information. Then, following the development of the Internet, evolved into advertisements complete with gráficos.Actualmente internet as a means of communication increasingly important and used by milions of people around the world.

As we know, Internet is an interactive medium, unlike traditional media like radio or TV, allows the preferences and consumption trends of the potential client and deploy personalized information according to ellas.Internet has changed the world of marketing and business general.

Therefore, we must take into account the use of that environment when developing our marketing strategy. Currently, e-Marketing (Internet Marketing) is an option increasingly used by companies to disseminate and promote their products and services. The real importance of marketing on the Internet is that it definitely shows with all its power and it becomes almost infinite.

Internet advertising has many advantages: - allows to measure very accurately and continuously the result of advertising campaigns-Lets come into direct contact with potential customers or users, allows continuous adjustments and modifications to the campaigns by the exigencies of the moment "It's much cheaper than the media" traditional "- Analyze the type of clientele that purchase our productoActualmente, there are many agencies specializing in Internet advertising. These companies are dedicated to finding advertisers, to advise, create ads and banners for the Internet, developed Internet marketing plans, analyze the audience ...

internet marketing strategies

The eMarketing search engine and email are the basis of the most successful campaigns today. However, emerging channels are gaining strength the Blog's cone, social networks and the RSS.Es very strange that one strategy will make you succeed in your online business.

We Need a marketing strategy at various levels or even choose the most appropriate strategy. There are many possibilities: development of a website aimed at sales, email marketing, search engine optimization (the best free advertising tool ).... There's no serves to simply have a website if it is not effective in the interests of your business or company.

today is of little use having a website like that. If anyone knows or visit to your company will have the same utility as a tent in the desert!